Music Hole
VirginApril 8, 2008They told me she was around again... –she's like black and orange now! –yes, I heard that too! –she
sounds very nice, maybe you two should meet again! –she has the same choruses over herself, they sound so good!'s been so long, two years now, things have come and things have passed by, passed
me by. I'm someone else now (yes I was someone else yesterday and the week before that); she won't remember me, she'd pass me by as well, she must be somewhere else too, we had such a good time, not long, it's just... life moves very
fast, first it is one thing, then the other; after all,
Home Is Where It Hurts. Listen to her again and again, think of what may come now, how hard it must be to take the next step, it is not easy to be yourself all the time and yet come back as if you've been somewhere else. Changes happen on the inside when you travel, and they're not easy to share; it's the same with music, when it comes out of so many different holes. –Don't worry, you won't miss any of the
details you loved before, I promise! Found her, don't know where, remember, you know she has her place deep inside your heart, whenever she wants to come back.
- postbop