Sonic Sum Films Definitive Jux February 12, 2008
It is amazing to realize that in every genre exists a small and irreductible ghetto of geeky musicians who seem to really care about sound: sound as a phenomenon, as a deeply transforming experience, as a path to deep, reflexive, sort of synaesthetic listening. Whether it is post-rock, experimental dub, avant-garde jazz or, as in this case, Hip-Hop, the landmark that distinguishes this secret, unconscious group of experimentalists who manipulate noises, voices, random sound samples and atmospheres, makes itself present in the most uncommon places, re-shaping the way we hear music.
I think i've noticed this approach, close to it's purest form, when listening to Sonic Sum's "Films", blended, of course, with the pure rap attitude that this mc's seem to master well enough. Listen to this edgy, obscure and yet powerful record. Let yourself go between the beats, the lyrics and the beautiful sounds that surround them. - Mono
Highlights / Ordinary Mower
Labels: 2008