Santogold Santogold Downtown Records, Atlantic Records April 29, 2008 (US) /May 12 , 2008 (UK)
M.I.A.’s best friend has finally released her debut album. I don’t know how artists feel about getting a lot of hype after dropping just a couple of songs. There must be some real pressure there and our dear hipsters can’t always be right about new talents. Santogold mixes a lot of styles, from electronic music (Diplo style) to indie rock and R&B. You already know how dangerous that can be, but she manages to create an appetizing product. That’s not the problem. Her main problem is that, even though she has recorded a bunch of really nice tracks like “L.E.S. Artistes” or “You’ll Find A Way,” some other songs are just dull; repetitive electronic beats and not-so-original lyrics sung with vague energy. It's obvious she’s capable of recording good music but she’ll need another chance to convince me 100%. - Grey
Highlights / L.E.S. Artistes (video)
Labels: 2008